PhDJ is a fantastical NYC DJ writer photographer. He has spun at The F Word @ Rebel, Boysroom, Posh, Bamboo 52, Vlada, Lucky Cheng's, Eastern Bloc, The Ice Palace (on Cherry Grove), Arrow Bar, Porch, Uncle Charlie's LES, DTox, HK Lounge, and Heaven. Unless otherwise noted, all video and photography are by PhDJ. Follow him on Twitter here. For bookings, contact him at PhDJNYC (at)
Read Gerry Visco's review of the "dynamo known as PhDJ [who spins] some badass tunes" in NY Press here!
Next Magazine Pride Photo Contest 2011
This photograph of mine was a finalist in Next Magazine's Pride Photo Contest 2011!
Saturday night at Vlada's "April Fool's Ketchup Farmer Sparkle Fest" party, Gerry Visco took the stage and brought the house down — including the top of her dress. I had such a great time, I'm not sure how it ended. I've been picking glitter out of my bed all day.
It wouldn't have been Gerry Visco's birthday without some semi-nakedness. I have no idea who these guys are; but I thought I'd share what I found on my
Friday nights with Demanda Dahling burst with Here she is putting on a bit of a show outside Splash, where we said hello to friends before hopping back into a cab to go to The Ritz.
Nothing like some birthday partayaying to inspire people to get a little Here's some tongue action and nose nuzzling from Gerry Visco's fantastical birthday fête Thursday night.
Last night was Gerry Visco's fantastical birthday partayay at White Noise; so everyone came ready to celenebriate down. And that we did. Here's the first batch of photo memories — first of the birthday girl herself.
My final stop Friday night with Demanda Dahling was The Ritz, where King Ralphy and Chris Ryan were hosting. King Ralphy doffed his shirt for this exclusive PhDJ photo essay!!