Thursday, January 7, 2010

It Happened One Night

By the time Kyle (pictured above) and I made it to The Hudson Hotel for The Happening, we'd had more than a few rounds at Vlada. (I do love their cherry infused vodka. On the rocks). As we were heading toward the bouncer, Demanda Dahling (pictured below) Nancy Nosecandy (pictured further down right) and DivaSteve (pictured further down left) came out into the lobby to use the little boys' room. Kyle joined them. I waited for them all.
The floor was packed. So many people were there, including my de la Blanca sister Dallas DuBois (pictured below with Kyle), Adam Joseph, and Erickatoure Aviance. Everyone was dancing, walking, and voguing up a storm to DJ Nita Aviance. Dallas told me she just texted our de la Blanca sister Celso (pictured at the top right), who was making her way up to the Hudson from Lucky Cheng's, where she was deep into a fantasy with Dina Delicious.
I texted Celso, too, then gave into the beats, while snapping away. Kyle posed with Adam's fur stole. It was just the beginning of the happening. I was loving Kyle's Sherry Vine t-shirt. They'll be for sale soon on her website.


1 comment:

  1. Fur is mean & gross! There's NEVER any excuse to wear an animal that was tortured for fashion & killed just for its fur.... even if you're cute like Kyle.

    MINUS 10 points!


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