Friday, December 18, 2009

I Know What Boys Like. Boys Like. (Clap). Boys Like Booze.

Cameras set the stage for the fantasy as much as booze, great beats, and great friends do. This green light at the B*tch @ss Trick party didn't hurt, either. Some of my fantastical covergurrrls buddies did more than put some bass in their walk. They put some tongue on someone else's face. Fierth™ impresario and my Wonder Twin Brian Mills and Kyle (both pictured above) took to licking with ease. 

Kyle did more than salivate. He worked the room all night. He cut a rug with Celso for a bit (pictured below).
Kyle also posed with everyone's cherished memory eraser that night, his Ketel One bottle (pictured below). He took a moment to draw from the Brian Mills pose playbook.
Two late arrivals at the party were Eric Halliwell and Danny (both pictured below, Eric in the left column; Danny the right). They missed Cazwell and Vogue Evolution but were there to help us dance into the dawn.
DJ Paisley Dalton didn't play The Waitresses' "I Know What Boys Like"; but something about these shots put it in my head. Just imagine Paisley's assistant, Wiggy (pictured below left), and the guy sponsored by The Letter H (pictured below right) dancing to it. I've put The Waitresses' video at the end of this post for the proper soundtrack.


  1. that is not a pic of's my assistant "WIGGY" other assistant is "WIGGER" (not pictured)

  2. Oops! Thanks for the heads-up, Paisley!


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